Dr. Sophia’s Call to Mental Health Therapists

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing this blog post in hopes that you will read this and take to heart my request.

Please, please refer clients to qualified CSAT therapists if they are sex addicts or betrayed partners.

I see all too often, people not get the care they need because they work with therapists who think they can treat these issues without having extensive training. I also hear from clients on a weekly basis how upset they are that they have wasted so much time, energy, and money working with therapists who are not specially trained in this work.

The frequent results are addiction is not in check, recovery is not happening at a deep level, partners do not get the support they need and leave a relationship that could be saved if the right therapists were on the team.

Sex addiction is not basic addiction work. Sex addiction is much uglier, much more harmful in a personal and self-esteem eroding manner, and is expert at creating the worst kind of shame for an addict. The betrayal trauma of having a sex addicted partner is like no other betrayal we can experience. This type of betrayal trauma makes us think we are crazy and also makes us question if our lives are even true or real. Sex addiction destroys relationships on every level.

Sex therapy is not sex addiction recovery expertise.

There is so much extensive training we CSAT’s do, so we can effectively treat addicts, partners, couples, etc., in their recovery, so they can decide the path that is best for them. This is very complicated work and it takes a team of true experts in the field to make this a successful recovery for our clients.

Please join us CSAT’s in this very important training, we would love to have you on our team.

If you decide it is not for you, that’s fine too, please seek a CSAT referral, or other highly trained therapist in sex addiction.

Thank you for reading and considering.


Dr. Sophia Dorton Caudle