Why Getting Enough Sleep is Critical to Your Health

Sleep deprivation - BullCityPsychotherapy - SophiaCaudle Kim Shackleford - healthy sleep


The result of not sleeping is much more serious than you think.  Yes, you can wake up overtired, moody, mentally foggy, having poor energy levels without the alertness to handle tasks as you should. There are alarming things that happen when you do not sleep consistently. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to depression, weight gain, premature aging by a major reduction in growth hormone which is released during sleep, increased inflammation, decreased immune function and many dysfunctions in the body. More importantly, if you do not get good quality sleep or enough sleep it can take years off your life. It is important as a goal to get a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. There is a study by the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine that showed a 400% increase in cancer for those who sleep less than 6 hours a night.  Lack of sleep actually triples your chance of these conditions. It seems to be one of the first things people decide they can disregard in terms of health. People think if they work out and eat somewhat healthy that is the end all. Your sleep cycle is so important for your long-term health. Read more Why Getting Enough Sleep is Critical to Your Health

Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia Treatment: ALPHA-STIM AID

Bull City Psychotherapy has a new and effective treatment to add to your personal toolbox for help with depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Alpha-Stim is a clinically proven medical device that relieves anxiety, insomnia, and depression by using electromedical technology. Alpha-Stim has a unique patented waveform that starts at the electron level to allow your body’s cells to return to their natural functioning states. Alpha-Stim provides long lasting cumulative relief without the risk of negative effects such as tolerance and/or reliance on medications.

The Alpha-Stim current is applied with easy to use clips that attach to the ear lobes for at least 20 minutes 2-3 times per week, or on an as needed basis. Alpha-Stim can help you feel a relaxed sense of well-being.


What to Expect From Your Alpha-Stim Treatments?

Anxiety reduction is usually experienced during a single treatment, and may last for hours or days after. Insomnia is often improved after the initial treatment as well, but may take up to

four weeks to see a significant change. Depression typically takes at least three weeks of daily treatment before you may notice a significant improvement.


Is Alpha-Stim Safe?

There are over 100 research studies proving the effectiveness and safety of Alpha-Stim. Go to www.alpha-stim.com to read more.

Dr. Sophia Caudle is a certified a certified Alpha-Stim clinician and distributor. Please contact her for more information.