Love Partner or Life Partner, or Both…….Which Relationship Name Feels Right For You?

Our primary intimate relationship can have many different names, titles, and descriptive meanings. Husband, wife, partner, life partner, spouse, and……Love Partner.

Love Partner is a title that implies deep love and connection, with an emphasis on the feelings experienced in the relationship. Couples who describe each other as love partners may even feel as if they are soul mates. For those of us who call our partner a ‘Love Partner’, the name, life partner typically does not fit. A life partner can be an old friend or even a spouse who we are not deeply connected to emotionally. Many people are married or in long-term relationships where the term life partner fits, but the deep emotional connection is not present, and the longing to be deeply close with each other is not necessarily felt. For those of us who feel as if we are in a love partner relationship, the term life partner can feel like a business partner relationship, and a relationship that is more focused on the daily tasks of living, rather than the daily experiences of deep emotional connection.

Love Partners can also share the ease of living, because the deep love and care are present. When couples find this type of ease and deep connection in relationship, amazing experiences can be shared together, because the intimacy travels into all parts of the relationship……..emotional connection, spiritual connection, intellectual connection, social connection, sexual connection, and all the other 12 Types of Intimacy.

The finding of a true Love Partner is a rare gift. There are millions of life partners who would be good matches for us, however, there are likely not many love partners, who we can deeply connect with, and vise-versa. When we are gifted to find ourselves in a Love Partner relationship, it is important to do our own personal work, so we can continue to show up and nurture the sacred space of our very special relationship.

For more information on how you can find your Love Partner relationship or how you can transform your current relationship into a Love Partner relationship, contact Dr. Sophia @ or