Ongoing Groups
~Men’s Groups: BCP offers Men’s Sex Addiction 101 Groups, as well as Men’s Recovery Zone Groups. Please contact for details.
~High Speed Individual Intensive: Dr. Caudle’s High Speed Intensives will move your personal growth into high gear, helping you identify and process past issues that affect your life today, such as grief, trauma, abuse, neglect, etc. A foundational piece of this High Speed Intensive is the uncovering of original grief, which is the catalyst of the daily triggers that overtly present today, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, intimacy issues, etc. Contact for more information.
~Grief Workshops with Dr. Caudle: Contact Dr. Caudle to schedule your one or two day intensive, as well as register for the next Grief Workshop. Experience the healing of deep grief awareness with Dr. Caudle’s Deep Grief Connections Process Therapy. Dr. Caudle can be reached at
A New Trust
Please contact Dr. Caudle to schedule your private intensive for creating a New Trust in your relationship. This intensive workshop experientially moves a couple into a new relationship that is created after grieving the end of the former relationship. This workshop is ideal for repairing emotional and physical betrayal and trust that has been broken.

Additional Group Offerings